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HTKoffers - Terms and Condition

Term and Conditions of Services.

Welcome, and thanks for using, hatkeoffers, HTKoffers and other HTKoffers Services and apps, and also using the services provided by its parent company VishwaShrushti Enterprises. When you use our products and services, it is thereafter considered as you have agreed our terms and conditions, so please read the following terms and conditions for the services provided by us.


When you click “Sign up”, “Join Now”,” Join HTKoffers”, or similar, registering, accessing or using our services(Services provided by “”, “hatkeoffers”, “HTKoffers”, “VishwaShrushti Enterprises”, our related mobile apps, development programs, premium servies, or any content or information provided as part of any services, or collectively “Services”), it is considered that you have agreed our terms and conditions and hence you enter in an legally binding agreement (even if you are using our services on behalf of a company).
If you do not agree to this Agreement, do NOT click “Sign Up”,”Join Now” or similar and do not access or otherwise use any of our Services.
This agreement applies for everyone who uses our services. Registered users of our Services are “Members “ or "Users" and unregistered users as termed as “Visitors”.

Service Eligibility ( Who can Use our Services)

For the use of our Services, you agree that : (1) You are of or above “Minimum Age” or older, “Minimum age” here means (a) you are 15 years of age in India, and for all other countries. However, if law of any particular country requires that you must be older for hatkeoffers,, HTKoffers, to lawfully provide the Services to you (which includes the collection, storage and use of your information ) then the Minimum Age is such older age for that country. The Services are not for use by anyone under he age of 15 years.

Membership Terms (What are the Membership Terms)

As a member of, hatkeoffers, HTKoffers, your account belongs to You. For that you agree to (a) keep strong and secure password for your account. (b) keep your password secure and confidential (3) cannot transfer any part of the account and (follow the laws and terms and conditions as provided. Anything that happens through your account will be the responsibility of You and you will be held responsible for the same , unless you close your account or report misuse.

Payment Terms (What are the Payment Terms )

You agree to pay us the applicable fees and taxes for any purchase that are made by you for the paid services that are Offered on the website (Paid Services may include Payments towards Advertisements placed on our website or Paid Services provided on the website) or by the Company. (hatkeoffers, hatkeoffers, HTKoffers or VishwaShrushti Enterprises or its allied Services). Failure to pay these fees will result in termination of your Subscription.
Your purchase may be subject to foreign exchanges fees or differences in prices based on location (e.g. exchanges rates).
You authorize us to store and continue billing your payment method (debit or credit card) even after it has expired, to avoid interruptions in your services (e.g. subscription) and to facilitate easy payment for new services.
You must pay us for applicable fees and taxes unless you cancel the Premium Service, in which case you agree to still pay these fees through the end of the applicable subscription period. (These subscription may include your subscription for the advertisement on our website or use our paid services on or any other services provided by HTKoffers or VishwaShrushti Enterprises.
Taxes are calculated based on the billing information that you provide us at the time of purchase and the available Taxation structure of the country. ( Here In this the country is considered as India for The Parent Company is in India.)
You can request for the Invoice Copy through mail to or by Contacting Us through Contact Us Form.

Notices and Services Messages (How are the notices and Service Messages informed to You)

Notices to you will be provided in the following ways and it is considered as you agree to that: (a) a banner notice will be displayed on the site for the Services available of HTKoffers, or its parent company – VishwaShrushti Enterprises. (b) we may send you email regarding the policies changed or any other changed happening on the site or (C) we may contact you through mobile number, telephone or mail for informing you about the changes happened in the policies or whether any new features added or deleted from the services provided by us. We request you to keep your Contact information Up to date.

Messages and Sharing Terms ( What are our Messages and Sharing Terms)

Many of the services provided by Us,, hatkeoffers, HTKoffers , allow messaging and sharing of information in many ways, such as your profile, your business details, your offer details,and many other. The information and the content that you share on the site are seen by other Members or by the Visitors.
Also you should clearly understand that, We are not obligated to publish any information or content on our Services and can remove it in our sole discretion, with or without notice.

Your license to hatkeoffers

As many information is posted on the HTKoffers Website, you own the content and the information that you submit or post to the Services and you are only granting Us a non-exclusive licence as follows; A worldwide, transferable and sub licensable right to use, copy, modify, distribute, publish, and process, information and content that has been provided by you through our Services, without any further consent, notice and/or compensation to you or others. The rights provided by you to us are limited in the following ways,
(a) This license can be ended by you for specific content by deleting such content from the services, or also by closing your account with Us except that the content is shared with the others and they have copied and storied it. Also the license will be in effect for a reasonable time for it take time to remove it from the backup and other system.
(b) We have the right, without compensation to you and others, to serve ads near your content and information, and your comments on sponsored content may be visible.
(c) We will get your consent for, the post posted by you can be given to other as right to publish beyond the Services. However, other Members and/or Visitors may access and share your content and information.
Because you own your content and information and we only have non-exclusive rights to it. You agree that we may access, store and use any information that you provide in accordance with the terms of the privacy Policy.
By submitting suggestions or other feedback regarding our Services to HTKoffers, , hatkeoffers or VishwaShrushti Enterprises, you agree that We can use and share such feedback for any purpose without any compensation to you.
You also agree that the content or information you provide does not violate any law nor anyone’s rights ( e.g. without violating any intellectual property rights or breaching a contract. You also agree that the information provided in the Profile will be truthful. HTKoffers may be required by the law to remove certain information or content in certain countries and you agree with the same.

Availability of Services (what is the Availability of the services)

We may change, suspend or end any services, or change and modify prices prospectively in our discretion and you agree with the same. To the extend allowed under law, these changes may be effective upon notice provided to you.
Also It should be clear that hatkeoffers, HTKoffers, is not a storage service. You agree that we have no obligation to store, maintain or provide you a copy of any content or information that you or others provide, expect to the extend required by applicable law and as stated in the Privacy policy.
While using our Services, you may come across some content or information that might be inaccurate, incomplete, delayed, misleading, illegal, offensive or otherwise harmful. hatkeoffers,, HTKoffers or VishwaShrushti Enterprises does not review contents provided by our Members. You agree that we are not responsible for the third parties content or information or for any damages as result of your use of or reliance on it. The third parties may also include our Members. For any such information or content you can fill in the contact us form, and action will be taken as per instructed in DCMA and Copyright policy. The content may be deleted or blocked, with the consent of the content owner.
For any third party apps or sites that you access or use linking from our services, you will be responsible for the same. If you allow a third party apps or site to authenticate you or connect with your HTKoffers Account, account, that app or site can access information on hatkeoffers related to you and your connections. These third party apps or sites have their own legal terms and their own privacy policies, and by accessing them you may be giving others permission to use your information in ways we would not. will not be Responsible for the actions taken on or by these third party apps or Sites.

Limits about your Account (What are the limits of your Accounts)

hatkeoffers,, HTKoffers reserves the right to limit your use of the services provided by Us, including the number of your connections and your ability to contact other Members. Also reserves the right to restrict, suspend, or terminate your account if hatkeoffers,, HTKoffers, VishwaShrushti Enterprises We believes that you may be in breach of this Agreement or Law or are misusing one or many of the Our Services Provided.

Disclaimer and Liability Limit (What are the Liability Limit and Disclaimer of HTKoffers)

hatkeoffers,, HTKoffers or VishwaShrushti Enterprises reserves all of its intellectual property rights in the Services provided consisting of VishwaShrushti Enterprises,, hatkeoffers, HTKoffers Logos and Trademarks, service marks, graphics and logos used in connection with VishwaShruhti Enterprises, hatkeoffers, HTKoffers, are trademarks or registered trademarks of hatkeoffers, HTKoffers,, VishwaShrushti Enterprises. Other than this trademarks and logos used in connection with the Services may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
To the extend of the law, hatkeoffers,, HTKoffers, VishwaShrushti Enterprises Disclaim all the Implied Warranties and Representations, some of Disclaim includes Warranties of Merchantability, fitness for a Particular Purpose, Accuracy of Data, and NonInfringement. hatkeoffers,, HTKoffers, VishwaShrushti Enterprises does not Guarantee that the services will function without Interruption or Errors and The service provided is of “ AS IS “ and “AS AVAILABLE” Basis including the content and information.
To the extend of the law, hatkeoffers,, HTKoffers or VishwaShrushti Enterprises and the others companies with whose HTKoffers provides the services, shall not be liable to you or others for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages, or any loss of Data, Oppertunities, Reputation, Profits or Revenues, Related to the Services which will consist of offensive or Defamatory Statements, Down time or Loss, Use or Changes to your Information or Content.
In no event, The liability of hatkeoffers,, HTKoffers or VishwaShrushti Enterprises and those with HTKoffers works shall not exceeds, in all aggregate for all claims, the amount will be lesser than five times the amount paid by you towards paid services provided by HTKoffers or Rs.10000, which ever is less. This limitation of liability is part of the basis of the Bargain between You and hatkeoffers,, HTKoffers or VishwaShrushti Enterprises and Shall apply to all Claims of Liability which may consist of Warranty, Tort, Negligence, Contract, Law, and even if hatkeoffers,, HTKoffers or VishwaShrushti Enterprises has been told of the possibility of any such Damage, and even if these Remedies Fail their essential purpose.

Termination Terms (What are the Termination terms)

This aggrement can be terminated by You or hatkeoffers,, HTKoffers or VishwaShrushti Enterprises at any Time with notice to the other. On the termination of this agreement, you loss the right to access or use the Servives provided by Us. But on termination, still hatkeoffers,, HTKoffers or VishwaShrushti Enterprises has the right to use and disclose your Feedback. hatkeoffers,, HTKoffers or VishwaShrushti Enterprises will retain the rights of Members and /or Visitors rights to further re-share content and information you shared through the Services to the extend copied or re-shared prior to Termination. It will be observed that any amounts owned by either party prior to termination remain owned after termination.

Dispute Resolution Terms (What are the Dispute Resolution Terms)

By using our Services, you agree that the Laws of Solapur Jurisdiction, Maharashtra State, India, shall exclusively govern any dispute relating to this Agreement and/or the Services. We both agree that all of these claims can only be litigated in the District court of Solapur, Maharashtra State, India and we each agree to Personal Jurisdiction in those Court.
If any of the parties does not comply or agree with the judgement given in the court of District Court, Solapur, May apply further in the High Court of Maharashtra State, India. (But it is agreed by both the parties that first appeal will be made in District Court of Solapur, Maharashtra State, India.).
If a Court with authority over this Agreement finds any part of it not enforceable, you and us, we both agree that the court should modify the terms to make the part enforceable while still achieving its intent. If the court is unable to do that, you and us both agree to ask the court to remove that unenforceable part and still enforce the rest of the Agreement. It should be clearly understood that English Version of this agreement is binding and other translation are for convenience only.
If we don’t act to enforce a breach of this Agreement, it does not mean that hatkeoffers,, HTKoffers or VishwaShrushti Enterprises has wavied its right to enforce this Agreement. You cannot assign or transfer this Agreement ( or Your Membership or use of Services ) to anyone without our consent. However, you agree that hatkeoffers,, HTKoffers or VishwaShrushti Enterprises may assign this Agreement to its affiliates or a party that buys it without your consent. There are no third party beneficiaries to this Agreement.
We have the right to change the terms of this Agreement and will provide you notice if we do so on our wesite or by mail or by other means and we agree that changes cannot be retroactive, if you do not want to agree to these changes, you must stop using our Services.

General Terms (What are the General Terms)

By using our Services, you agree that you will provide your real name on your profile, provide accurate information to us and will keep that updated. You will comply with all the applicable laws including the privacy laws, anti-spam laws, intellectual property laws, tax laws, export control laws and laws of other regulatory without limitation.
By using our Services, you agree that you will not Act dishonestly or unprofessionally, which includes posting of inappropriate, inaccurate, or objectionable content.
You will not add content that is not intended for , or inaccurate for n a designated field, (e.g. Submitting Names in Mobile number column or any field).
You will not create a false identity on hatkeoffers,, HTKoffers or VishwaShrushti Enterprises.
You will not use images that are not yours or your likeness for your profile image.
You will not provide false or incorrect information about your business and offers.
You will not create a Member profile for anyone other than yourself (a real person).
You will not use or attempt to use another’s account.
You will not Harass, abuse or harm another person.
You will not Send spam or other unwelcomed communications to others.
You will not scrape or copy profile and other information of others through any means (including crawlers, browser plugins and add-ons, and any other technology or manual work).
You will not disclose information that you do not have the right disclose which may include confidential information of others.
You will not Act or Use the Services of hatkeoffers,, HTKoffers or VishwaShrushti Enterprises in an Unlawful, Obscene, discriminatory or otherwise objectionable manner.
You will not Violate intellectual property rights of others, including patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights or other proprietary rights of Others.
You will not Violate the intellectual property or other rights of hatkeoffers,, HTKoffers or VishwaShrushti Enterprises, including, without limitation, using the word "”, “hatkeoffers”, “HTKoffers” or “VishwaShrushti Enterprises”or our logos in any business name, email or URL except as given special permission by hatkeoffers,, HTKoffers or VishwaShrushti Enterprises.
You will not Use Invitation Services of hatkeoffers,, HTKoffers or VishwaShrushti Enterprises to send messages or Email to the people who Don’t know you or who are unlikely to recognize you as a known contact.
You will not post any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or any other form of solicitation, which is unauthorized by hatkeoffers,, HTKoffers or VishwaShrushti Enterprises.
You will not post anything that contains software viruses, worms, or any other harmful code.
You will not Manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any message or scrap or slam or post transmitted through our services.
You will not Create profiles or provide content that promotes escort services or prostitution Or create or operate any pyramid scheme, fraud or other similar practice on the services provided by hatkeoffers,, HTKoffers or VishwaShrushti Enterprises.
You will not Copy or use the information, content or data of others available on the services provided by hatkeoffers,, HTKoffers or VishwaShrushti Enterprises, except which has been expressly authorized.
You will not Copy,Modify or create derivative works of hatkeoffers,, HTKoffers or VishwaShrushti Enterprises, which includes services or any related technology, except as expressly authorized by hatkeoffers,, HTKoffers or VishwaShrushti Enterprises.

Thank You...